Why do I take a break from my progesterone dosing?Updated 2 months ago
If you are wondering why it's recommended to take a break while dosing your progesterone, know that it is for good reason.
If someone is pre-menopausal (still menstruating regularly), then you will take a 2 week break every cycle naturally.
When it comes to peri-menopausal/menopausal use, most use progesterone creams that are recommended or prescribed for daily use. We recommend using ours for 3 weeks followed by a 1 week break.
The week break is to help keep the liver sensitized to the progesterone so it works more effectively and efficiently.
Please Note: There are cases where extended use can be warranted. For example, if your symptoms significantly worsen during your break from the progesterone. If you think this may be the case, please reach out and we'll be happy to help.
With that being said, for menstruating women, the timing of the progesterone is important because it needs to be aligned with your own natural production of progesterone. This occurs between ovulation (mid-cycle) and up to the point that menstruation starts (end of cycle and beginning of next cycle). Day 1 is considered the first day of bright red bleeding. So, we count from there to day 14 (mid-cycle when ovulation generally occurs) and then continue its use through day 28. Then stop.
We discuss progesterone dosing in detail in our progesterone dosing guide below:
Forefront Health Progesterone Dosing Guide