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What is the recommended Progesterone dosage for men?Updated 2 months ago

Though we often address dosing for women, men can also use our Progesterone Complex.

For general stress-relief dosing: 

Start with 1 to 2 drops daily and 1 to 2 months followed by a few weeks break. Then repeat.  

For male estrogen dominance :

Start with 3 to 10 drops daily for 1 to 2 months followed by a few weeks break. Then repeat. 

While we generally see an increase in testosterone when using these doses of progesterone, it’s rare but possible that it can lead to a decrease in testosterone levels. 

We recommend keeping an eye on libido and if there is a noticeable decrease, then supplementing 5 mg to 10 mg of DHEA is typically sufficient to address this for most men.

For more information, take a look at our Progesterone Dosing Guide

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