My results are up and down, is this normal?Updated 7 months ago
This is a question that we devoted a whole section to in the Hypothyroid Revolution Program because we want to set the clear expectation that your results may be up and down to start.
We often see ups and downs, especially within the first few months. You've probably heard it time and time again that everybody is different, and in this case, it is important to understand that it doesn't necessarily mean anything has gone wrong. Much of this depends on where you're starting from.
For example, if you've been following a low-carb or similar diet for a prolonged period of time, one's metabolism becomes damaged and it takes longer to recover and longer to shift your metabolism back to using sugar efficiently. In these cases we often have to introduce and increase carbohydrates more slowly.
Seeing the initial improvements is a great sign. And things will continue to improve over more time. It will take time though, especially with fine-tuning some of the supplements such as the thyroid.
If you've been compensating for a long time by overproducing stress hormones. These stress hormones, while helping to keep metabolism up, are also very thyroid-suppressive. So, there's a shifting of balance that is occurring where stress hormones are lowering and providing less stimulation while your body is compensating and trying to produce more energy through the proper metabolic pathways.
If the stress hormones lower too quickly and our thyroid is not able to compensate quickly enough, then we can see energy dip back down and symptoms worsen. Often we can see this in temperature and pulse too, which you should be keeping an eye on.
Your Hypothyroid journey, just like life itself, will have some ups and downs, and that's to be expected, not feared. You can take comfort in knowing that we are here for you in your journey back to a healthier, happier you.