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I eat a vegetarian/vegan diet, can I use your meal plan?Updated 5 months ago

The argument could be made that a vegetarian or vegan diet is the healthier option, but is that the advice someone should be giving a hypothyroid sufferer? 

It has been advertised to the general public that eating a vegetarian diet is the way to go, however if you are hypothyroid, it is ideal for you to be getting nutrients from a variety of sources, including meat and dairy products. 

The thyroid and liver need a minimum of 70 grams of protein daily, which is why many vegetarians and especially vegans become hypothyroid due to protein deficiency.

If you choose not to eat meat, dairy is a very high-quality source of protein, calcium, magnesium, and so on. making it very supportive of thyroid function. With that said you would need to replace meat consumption with an adequate amount of dairy using milk and/or safe cheeses. Think any cheese made traditionally with animal rennet. From a vegetarian perspective, we would be looking at ricotta or cottage cheeses made without rennet, and without gums, thickeners, and carrageenan. The same applies if you are looking for an egg substitute. 

If you are lactose intolerant, we talk about how it’s caused by hypothyroidism, and how we address this issue here:

You would likely be surprised at how many of our customers who can't tolerate any dairy end up thriving on it.

What is best for you and your thyroid health? That is the question you need to be asking. If you are new to our Thyroid Boosting Protocol, and are thinking about whether you could follow it or not, be sure you’re asking yourself the right questions. We’ve given you the answer to “how can I make this work for me”, now it’s time to give yourself the confidence that you can follow and improve from these changes in your diet.  

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