How long do your supplements last so I know how often I need the product?Updated 5 months ago
How long do your supplements last so I know how often I need the product?
Raw Desiccated Thyroid
See the Dosing Guide for in-depth information
45 to 90 days (depending on dosage)
1-3 scoops per day: 1 scoop is 11g of protein
20 to 30 days
Start 1 scoop with breakfast, increasing as needed
2 to 6 months (depending on dosage)
Vitamin ADK
7 drops 3 times a day, oral or topical
Approximately 60 days (3 doses daily)
Vitamin B Complex
One half full dropper per day in OJ - Note: Vit B increases the need for fuel / carbs. So, adequate nutritional support is important.
60 days (1 dose daily)
Vitamin E
4 pumps per day with food
50 days (1 dose daily)
Vitamin K2
15 drops 3 times a day with food (ideally a dietary fat)
30 days (3 doses daily)
See the Dosing Guide for in-depth information
When used as instructed (depending on the use case), it will last from 60 to 100+ days. 500 days (2 drops daily for men)
1 scoop daily with food (breakfast)
100 days (1 dose daily)
Eggshell Calcium
1 scoop 1-3 times per day with water or any beverage
60 to 90 days (depending on dosage)
1-5 cups per day
Anywhere from 20 days or less based on the amount of cups consumed
For additional information, please refer to our Supplement Cheat Sheet