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Raw Desiccated Thyroid Glandular

Here you can find more information on our Raw Desiccated Thyroid such as if you should take it with your medication.

Do I take your thyroid supplement in addition to my medication?

Yes, we recommend taking the Raw Desiccated Thyroid in addition to your thyroid medication if you are currently prescribed. It is designed to be used alongside your existing medication, not as a replacement. This approach helps ensure that your thyro

Do I take your supplement with or without food?

It is recommended to take our Raw Desiccated Thyroid with food / with your meals. This approach can be beneficial as it helps to slow the digestion and absorption of the thyroid supplement, which can improve tolerance for those who may be sensitive.

How would I know if I've taken too much thyroid?

If you begin to experience symptoms such as elevated heart rate, heart palpitations, nervousness, or anxiety, these can be signs that you've taken more thyroid than your body can tolerate at one time. If any of these symptoms occur, we recommend you

I currently take T4 only medication, should I take this too?

Yes, you can use our Raw Desiccated Thyroid supplement in addition to your current T4-only medication. This approach is designed to provide additional thyroid support without replacing your existing medication. As discussed in our Thyroid Multi Dosin

I am already on T3 only medication, should I take this too?

Yes, you can use our Raw Desiccated Thyroid supplement in addition to your current T3-only medication. This approach is designed to provide additional thyroid support without replacing your existing medication. As discussed in our Thyroid Multi Dosin

How long before I see improvements when taking your Raw Desiccated Thyroid?

If you're not seeing results from our products, it's important to remember that the absence of noticeable changes is not necessarily an indication that the supplement is not working. Often, it requires much longer-term use to see tangible benefits. S

Do I take this even if I have no thyroid from a thyroidectomy?

The short answer is yes, everything we teach still applies 100%. I'll include an article explaining our approach to Hypothyroidism Here. The only difference is that you will need to supplement thyroid to the degree that you cannot produce it. We've w